VA loans aren't
that easy to get any longer. But there ARE fiannc ial institutions that do loan to people with poor credit. The thi ng with them is that your mortga ge is going to b e astronmical. I would not even consider it if I were you. And l ook at the way t he economy is no w. One place to start, if you plan on going th rough it is Lend ingTree.com O ur neighbors wen t through them a nd LendingTree f ound someone to finance them and they had horrify ing credit inclu ding a bankruptc y. Yet they have a very nice hous e now.I don't kn ow if $189 grand is median where you live but it' s a mansion wher e I live. I don 't think you sho uld set your sit es that high. I f you truly want someplace to cal l a home, and a little chuck of land, you are mo re likely to get it IF you keep i t modest!! |